From the Roots Up

Duane Maki, President and CEO
It has now been about 18 months since we entered into a partnership with the Wright Service Corp. family of companies. In that time, we have rebranded Spectrum and revised our mission, vision and value statements. We have obtained Ford fleet pricing and other national accounts, which gives us competitive advantage in our markets. We are making systematic changes, incorporating the MAP Management System, looking forward to launching a new website and planning to expand our social media footprint!
We are proud of the accomplishments we have made in employee development and have entered four candidates into the corporate Leadership, Education and Development (LEAD) Program as well as started a mentoring program across borders and services. Spectrum has put a greater emphasis on worker safety and well-being, reducing our incident rate by almost two-thirds. Additionally, we were proud to recognize an employee who has been working and growing with Spectrum for over 30 years at the Annual Awards Banquet.
Our scope of work is expanding as we enter new markets within the utility vegetation management sector. With the additional resources, we look forward to building more opportunities for our employees.
Our team has built an annual employee engagement plan and we are about to begin an employee stock plan for qualified employees. The past 18 months have been very fast paced at Spectrum, however we can continue to move even faster, safer, more productive, more enthusiastic and more engaged. Spectrum has built many relationships and bonds throughout North America and this is just the beginning! As we watch these changes take place, we know that even more is on the horizon for our staff and our future looks brighter than ever.
As the snow subsides, our team of tree planters, invasive plant management technicians, surveyors, timber cruisers, layout technicians, forestry
professionals and alike will take to the field for a new Spectrum spring and summer season. Amidst the work, our family will continue to move forward
and grow. We look forward to making employees’ upcoming season as positive and productive as possible.
Enjoy the new season and stay safe.